Spring Lawn Care in Phoenix Schedule and Tips

If you haven’t already began your Spring lawn care in Phoenix, April is the time to start so you can enjoy lush, green grass around your home or in your backyard for the Summer. Spring is the time to stop summer weeds in their tracks but spreading pre-emergence herbicide to stop weeds before they began to sprout. This will also help …

Spring Landscaping in Arizona: How to Plant for Beauty and Color Impact (Part 2 of 2)

This is part two in a two part series on Spring Landscaping in Arizona. To read part one, click here. Spring landscaping in Arizona can be one of your most rewarding home improvement projects.  You and your landscaping company have unlimited options when it comes to showcasing your yard.  You can enjoy the perfect temperatures, sunshine and turn your yard …

Spring Landscaping in Arizona: How to Plant for Beauty and Color Impact (Part 1 of 2)

Spring landscaping in Arizona can be one of your most rewarding home improvement projects.  The crisp days of winter are in the past and the blistering hot days of summer are hopefully a ways off.  You can enjoy the perfect temperatures, sunshine and turn your yard into a showcase of color! The first step when preparing spring landscaping in Arizona …

Tempe Landscaping Company, Corona Landscape, Provides Spring Landscaping Advice for Arizona Homeowners

Tempe landscaping company, Corona Landscape, offers several suggestions for homeowners to adequately prepare for their spring landscaping needs. Since the threat of frost has likely passed, homeowners should focus on cutting back some of their frost damaged plants beginning in now to mid March. The goal is to prepare plant life for the upcoming growing season. For example, homeowners can prune …

Tempe Landscaping Company, Corona Landscape, Provides Winter Tips for Arizona Homeowners

Tempe landscaping company, Corona Landscape, has outlined several suggestions for winter landscaping. At this time of year, homeowners need to cover sensitive plants at night, fertilize over-seeded lawns, and apply pre-emergent weed control. “Winter maintenance is every bit as important if you want to have a healthy, great-looking landscaping all year-round,” said Ed Bambauer, owner of Corona Landscape. “Cold weather requires …