Gopher Plant – Blue Euphorbia

Groundcovers for Desert Gardens

If you’re looking for some Earth-friendly groundcovers to add color and texture to your garden landscape, or for some alternatives to growing a traditional lawn, we’ve got some great options to choose from, and they grow well in the valley!

Blue Euphorbia

  • Uses: Commonly known as Silver Spurge, Upright Myrtle Spurge and Gopher Plant (Euphorbia rigida – formerly known as Euphorbia biglandulosa) is a great choice for a groundcover. Grows well in rock gardens, xeriscapes, and desert garden landscapes, as well as in containers.
  • Growth Habit: This spreading and stiffly upright subshrub grows 2 ft. tall and 3-5 ft. wide.
  • Color: Yellow flowers (that age to orange) bloom in spring atop succulent gray-green foliage.
  • Fruit: Produces green, multi-carpulate fruits
  • Soil: Prefers well-drained soil
  • Light: For elongated stems, grow in partial shade; for a tight, rounded canopy grow in full sun. 
  • Water: Once established, requires infrequent regular watering in summer; does not require supplemental water in winter
  • Pruning: Growth is best rejuvenated when cut back severly in early fall.
  • Hardiness: 10 to 20oF