Jacaranda Trees

The first time someone sees a jacaranda tree (Jacaranda mimosifolia), they may think they’ve spied something out of a fairy tale. This lovely tree often spans the width of a front yard, and is covered in beautiful lavender purple blooms every spring. Read on to learn how to grow a jacaranda tree if you have the right environment. Growing jacaranda …

California Orange Trichocereus Cactus

Blooms can vary in color depending on weather & fertilizer given. Can be ground planted if given excellent drainage in winter months. Tends to lean at 3ft in height, so staking maybe required above 3ft if not in a tight mass planting.  Trichocereus Hybrid ‘ORANGE CALIFORNIA’ Has a large 8″+ diameter bloom in light orange to pink and a darker orange midstripe/backpetals. …

Xeriscaping with Style – Part 16

PREPARE A COST ESTIMATE Pre-shopping activities should provide the information needed to estimate the total cost of the landscape. Use a worksheet like the one above to generate the cost estimate. Make several copies, in case you need additional space or want to revise your list of materials and services. It might save some time to list similar items on …

Xeriscaping with Style – Part 15

DRAW A PRELIMINARY PLAN The best way to design a house is to develop a plan and make a drawing. The same is true for a landscape. It is easier to visualize your plan when it’s put on paper. Drawings also serve as a reality check to make sure all of the landscape components are the right size and in …

Xeriscaping with Style – Part 14

LEARN ABOUT MATERIALS Although plants are considered the mainstay of many landscapes, it is important to remember that other landscape materials are available that will add to the beauty and function of your yard. For example, you may want to incorporate hardscape or structures into your landscape plan. These include the following design elements: patios and ramadas walkways boulders a …

Xeriscaping with Style – Part 13

LEARN ABOUT PLANTS Plants that Make the Desert Bloom An increase in the popularity of Xeriscape over the past fifteen years has led to widespread availability of low water use plants in our area. If you are new to the Sonoran Desert or if you have not been shopping for plants in a while, you are in for a treat. …

Xeriscaping with Style – Part 12

MAKE A DRAWING Measure your lot, then draw a diagram of the site that includes the house and any existing features like a walkway, pool or patio. Make the drawing to scale by using grid paper or an enlargement of the plot plan provided by your builder. You may want to make two separate drawings; one for the front yard …

Xeriscaping with Style – Part 11

TIPS ON TURF Since turf is relatively water thirsty, use it sparingly. If you like the green look that turf provides, you may be able to achieve a similar look with low water use groundcovers or a combination of turf and low water use plant material. There are many water thrifty plants that have a surprisingly lush look. Make turf …

Xeriscaping with Style – Part 10

    IDEAS FOR CREATING YOUR WISH LIST: Walk, bike or drive around your neighborhood to get some design ideas. You may want to visit commercial developments and other residential developments as well. Keep a camera handy and take photographs of everything you like, no matter where you find it; from fabulous model homes to the bank on the corner. …

Xeriscaping with Style – Part 9

MAKE A WISH LIST! If you don’t already know what you want from your landscape, now is the time to decide. Ask yourself these questions: What do I want my yard to look like? What functions do I want my yard to serve? Do I want color and shade in my yard? Do I want my landscape to help conserve …