Arizona Landscaping to Protect Trees in Winter

It’s true that Arizona is known for its sunny—and what would often be described as sizzling—climate. But while the region is normally envisioned as hot and dry, most locals know there are some considerable variations in the weather conditions, especially in the winter months. It isn’t uncommon to enjoy cool breezes and perhaps even the occasional chill during this period, …

Secrets to Fall Landscaping in Arizona

Here in Arizona our winter is more like everyone else’s fall. Temperatures don’t normally drop below 50 during the day, the sun shines 90% of the time, there’s rarely snow or rain (at least in Phoenix) and people here live for these beautiful months. One of the greatest things about our mild “falls” is that fall landscaping is much easier …

Easy Tips for Winter Landscaping in Arizona

For many homeowners here in the Valley, winter months are great for outdoor activities such as barbecuing, having company, and playing sports. It’s also a time for holidays, families and often, stress. One thing that is sometimes a concern is how to transition the yard healthfully through these winter months. Winter landscaping in Arizona is important because many of the plants that grow in our landscape need special attention during these colder months.

Spring Landscaping in Arizona: How to Plant for Beauty and Color Impact (Part 2 of 2)

This is part two in a two part series on Spring Landscaping in Arizona. To read part one, click here. Spring landscaping in Arizona can be one of your most rewarding home improvement projects.  You and your landscaping company have unlimited options when it comes to showcasing your yard.  You can enjoy the perfect temperatures, sunshine and turn your yard …

Spring Landscaping in Arizona: How to Plant for Beauty and Color Impact (Part 1 of 2)

Spring landscaping in Arizona can be one of your most rewarding home improvement projects.  The crisp days of winter are in the past and the blistering hot days of summer are hopefully a ways off.  You can enjoy the perfect temperatures, sunshine and turn your yard into a showcase of color! The first step when preparing spring landscaping in Arizona …