Mesa Landscaping Tips: Maintain Your Beautiful Lawn, Part 2

In part 1 of this blog post we discussed how a front, back or side lawn in Arizona can provide a beautiful recreational area for you and your family as well as help keep surrounding structures cool and provided watering tips that will help you maintain beautiful, healthy and water-efficient lawn areas. In this blog post we will provide mowing and fertilizing Mesa landscaping tips that will help you allow you to maintain these lawn areas.

Mesa Landscaping: Mowing

It is important to avoid mowing your lawn areas too closely or scalping your lawn areas. Lawn areas that are mowed too short will require more water. You can avoid mowing your lawn areas too short by adjusting your lawn mower so the grass height is within the ranges listed below:

  • Common Bermuda: 1.5 – 2 inches
  • Hybrid Bermuda: 0.5 – 1 inch
  • Perennial Rye: 1.5 – 2 inches

Your mowing schedule is also important. During peak growing season, which in Tempe is May through September, cut common Bermuda grass to roughly 1.5 inches every five to seven days. Mow hybrid Bermuda grass to a height of 0.5 inches every two to three days.

Mesa Landscaping Tips: Mowing

  • Keep mower blades sharp
  • Do not remove more than one-third of your grass at a time
  • Avoid following the same pattern when mowing your lawn area
  • Increase the height of your lawn areas by 25 percent in shaded areas
  • If you maintain a frequent mowing schedule, you should not need to bag clippings

Mesa Landscaping: Fertilizing

Fertilizing your lawn areas regularly is essential for good color and proper growth during the peak-growing season. However, an over fertilized lawn area will require more frequent mowing and more water. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer manufacturer’s bag and do not fertilize more than once a month.

Mesa Landscaping Tips: Fertilizing

  • Apply fertilizer in the early morning or evening
  • Water your lawn area thoroughly after fertilizing
  • Consider applying iron chelates or ferrous sulfate
  • Avoid over applying fertilizer as it is unhealthy

For more landscaping ideas and information about our Mesa landscaping services, contact Corona Landscape.