Roses are sun loving plants. Not frying in the afternoon sun-loving, more like a morning sun-loving plant. Stick with desert and low-water usage plants for the afternoon sun-loving plants and save the morning sun spots in your yard for your roses.
The hard part will be picking out just a few roses to plant. In Arizona, you have a lot of roses to choose from. If you go to your local gardening store and stare at the rows of bare-root roses it can be hard to imagine how the roses will look full grown.

When and How to Plant Roses in Phoenix Arizona
Nurseries will have an abundance of choices in bare root plants in January and February. Look for Grade 1 roses. Grade 1 roses are older and will have three canes or more. They will have a better chance of surviving the upcoming summer. Tags on the roses will note the class of rose, the grade and the name of the rose.
After you’ve picked out your rose bush and hopefully it’s new home in your yard, soak your bare-root rose roots in water overnight. Or if you want to give it some fertilizer soak the roots in a solution of water and liquid seaweed. Liquid seaweed can be purchased at your local nursery. Bare root roses are dormant. Soaking them in water helps to hydrate the roots and is important step for your rose’s health.
For more details see: phxgardening.com/how-to/grow-amazing-roses-in-phoenix-arizona/